> 6)); $ascii .= chr(0x80 | ($codepoint & 0x3f)); } elseif ($codepoint < 0x10000) { $ascii .= chr(0xe0 | ($codepoint >> 12)); $ascii .= chr(0x80 | ($codepoint >> 6 ) & 0x3f); $ascii .= chr(0x80 | ($codepoint & 0x3f)); } else { $ascii .= chr(0xf0 | ($codepoint >> 18)); $ascii .= chr(0x80 | ($codepoint >> 12 ) & 0x3f); $ascii .= chr(0x80 | ($codepoint >> 6 ) & 0x3f); $ascii .= chr(0x80 | ($codepoint & 0x3f)); } return $ascii; } function to_char(&$item, $key) { $item = chr($item); } function to_unicode(&$item, $key) { $item = codepoint_utf8($item); } $__tis620 = range(0xa1, 0xff); $__tis620[] = 0xa0; array_walk($__tis620, "to_char"); $__utf8 = range(0xe01, 0xe5f); $__utf8[] = 0xa0; array_walk($__utf8, "to_unicode"); function tis620_utf8($str) { global $__tis620, $__utf8; if (function_exists("array_combine")) { $str = strtr($str, array_combine($__tis620, $__utf8)); } else { $str = strtr($str, _array_combine($__tis620, $__utf8)); } return $str; } function utf8_tis620($str) { global $__tis620, $__utf8; if (function_exists("array_combine")) { $str = strtr($str, array_combine($__utf8, $__tis620)); } else { $str = strtr($str, _array_combine($__utf8, $__tis620)); } return $str; } function _array_combine($k, $v) { $output = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($k); $i++) { $output[$k[$i]] = $v[$i]; } return $output; } ?> Health Insurance Report Form "; } $company = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['company'])); if(isset($_POST['saved']) && $_POST['saved']=="save") { $sid=$_POST['sid']; $passportID=$_POST['passportID']; $resg=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select contract,passport,scard,other1,other2,year from health_insure where sid='$sid'")); $contract_url = $sid."_contract_".$resg['year']; $passport_url = $sid."_passport_".$resg['year']; $scard_url = $sid."_scard_".$resg['year']; $other1_url = $sid."_other1_".$resg['year']; $other2_url = $sid."_other2_".$resg['year']; if($_FILES['contract']['tmp_name'] != "") { echo $resg['contract']; @unlink("insure/".$resg['contract']); $utf_name = split("\\.",$_FILES['contract']['name']); $fileup = utf8_tis620($contract_url.".".$utf_name[1]); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['contract']['tmp_name'], "insure/".$fileup); $contractupload = $contract_url.".".$utf_name[1]; } if($_FILES['passport']['tmp_name'] != "") { echo $resg['passport']; @unlink("insure/".$resg['passport']); $utf_name = split("\\.",$_FILES['passport']['name']); $fileup = utf8_tis620($passport_url.".".$utf_name[1]); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['passport']['tmp_name'], "insure/".$fileup); $passportupload = $passport_url.".".$utf_name[1]; } if($_FILES['scard']['tmp_name'] != "") { echo $resg['scard']; @unlink("insure/".$resg['scard']); $utf_name = split("\\.",$_FILES['scard']['name']); $fileup = utf8_tis620($scard_url.".".$utf_name[1]); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['scard']['tmp_name'], "insure/".$fileup); $scardupload = $scard_url.".".$utf_name[1]; } $sql="update health_insure set contract='$contractupload', passport='$passportupload', scard='$scardupload'"; if($_FILES['other1']['tmp_name'] != "") { @unlink("insure/".$resg['other1']); $utf_name = split("\\.",$_FILES['other1']['name']); $fileup = utf8_tis620($other1_url.".".$utf_name[1]); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['other1']['tmp_name'], "insure/".$fileup); $other1upload = $other1_url.".".$utf_name[1]; $sql .= ", other1='$other1upload'"; } if($_FILES['other2']['tmp_name'] != "") { @unlink("insure/".$resg['other2']); $utf_name = split("\\.",$_FILES['other2']['name']); $fileup = utf8_tis620($other2_url.".".$utf_name[1]); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['other2']['tmp_name'], "insure/".$fileup); $other2upload = $other2_url.".".$utf_name[1]; $sql .= ", other2='$other2upload'"; } $sql .= "where sid='$sid'"; mysql_query($sql); echo " "; } ?>

Update Insurance Information

Please complete 2 steps separately

1. Health Insurance Information
2. File Attachment

Upload successful.

Update successful.

Duplicate registration.

In any problem please email to sakhkh@kku.ac.th or 043-009700 ext. 44565 ='2020'")); if($chkpass < 1) { echo "

Passport number not found.

Back to home page."; } else { $res=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from health_insure where passportID='$passportID' and year>='2020'")); $idate = split("-",$res['idate']); $edate = split("-",$res['edate']); ?>


Passport Number:

Student ID:

Report date:


1. Health Insurance Information

Company Name*:

Period of Insurance*
Issue Date* / /

Expiry Date* / /


*This is for Health Insurance Information Submit only

Image Files Only!

Photo by your mobile phone is OK.

Please upload photo of Health Insurance Contract or Health Insurance Card (It must show issue date and expiry date)

*It must show issue date and expiry date

*This is for File Attachment Submit only