» KKU Library and volunteers assist pupils at the Blind School who are flood victims (735 Views)


The activity featured a mini-concert at the Information Center and donation receiving from students, staff and the public. The event was interested by many people who donated money, consumers goods and a lot of items.

Assoc. Prof. Suphat Seenawat mentioned in his opening speech, “Khon Kaen University as the Learning center for All, expects to support learning of school and university students by providing opportunities for them to acquire real life experiences. Besides showing their voluntary spirit and good will towards other people, the activity today also allowed students to learn the necessary skills for the 21st Century such as team working, communication, etc., from joining the activity.

In addition, the activity is part of the Creating Shared Value (CSV) mission of the Library through the use of communication technology under the digital age by various channels. Participants are sending their value to the society at this event.


The items received as donation will be partly put in 100 relief packages to be given to the pupils and staff of the Blind School Khon Kaen, who are having difficult time now until they could not use the school for teaching and learning. The event was honored to have Mr. Sanong Juansang, Director of the Education and technology Center of the Blinds, and the Foundation for the Blinds, Thailand under the Royal Patronage who came to receive the donated articles for the pupils and staff of the school.

KKU Library hopes that the library will continue to be part of assistance to the local communities where we live. The Library sends our moral support to those who are facing hard time from the flood and hopes the trouble will soon be over. The photos of the activity can be seen at the Page of KKU Library. Khon Kaen University Facebook page. 

News: Nitiya Sridechpaisan

Compiled by Prowsaeng Poosinghar

Source: https://www.kku.ac.th/15147?fbclid=IwAR3-uy7AZactbDMR9VgOaW-SEklhmNKTWyew6AaHNIEIP-xi6zSCS9GvPXI

Poster : พราวแสง ภูสิงหา [Ms. Prowsaeng Poosinghar] | 4 ตุลาคม 65