» Ernst Mach-Grant- ASEA-UNINET (647 Views)

Ernst Mach-Grant- ASEA-UNINET

Scholarship Call 2023

ASEA-UNINET supports the exchange of knowledge between partner universities and member countries in Europe and South-East Asia. 

The Ernst Mach-Grant- ASEA-UNINET offers scholarships for full PhD studies, postdoc research stays and for studies in the field of music practice at an ASEA-UNINET member university in Austria to students and researchers from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. 

Target country: Austria

Area of Study: All fields of study : Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences, Human Medicine, Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, the Arts.

Types of Grant

1. Full PhD Grant

Duration: 36 months 

Grant benefit: 1,150 euro/month+ a travel costs subsidy of max. 1,000 euros

2. Postdoc Grant

Duration: 3-9 months 

Grant benefit: 1,250 euro/month+ a travel costs subsidy of max. 1,000 euros

3. Music Practice Grant

Duration: 9 months 

Grant benefit: 1,150 euro/month+ a travel costs subsidy of max. 1,000 euros


Apply: www.scholarships.at. 

closing date for application: 15th March 2023

Download document 

Poster : พราวแสง ภูสิงหา [Ms. Prowsaeng Poosinghar] | 26 ตุลาคม 65